Manage Product and Invention Submissions.

Streamline how you collect and review product & invention submissions. Spend less time finding the best products. Simple, fast and free.

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Great companies large and small are managing submissions with SubmitMyInvention.


Seamlessly collect and review submissions

Use a branded online portal to easily collect product and invention submissions. Easily review with the option to accept or reject items. Everything you need to run a polished and painless submission program.

Spend your time focusing on what matters most

Integrate SMI into the way you work, automating the repetitive, time-consuming tasks in your submission and review process, and free up your time for the things that matter most.

No cost and scalable to any business

Whether a global presence or a small niche business, SMI scales to meet your needs. Gone are the days of going through endless product emails and trying to manually keep track of the promising ideas.

How It Works

1Sign up and start collecting submissions

  • Organize submissions based on their status in your review process.
  • Filter submissions by keyword, patent status or development status.

2Review, accept or decline your submissions

  • Each submission has a complete profile page with images, description, patent status, pricing and more.
  • Made your decision? Move submissions to appropriate folders for future access.

3Kickstart negotiations for new products

  • Every submission includes contact info for follow-up negotiations.
  • SMI streamlines your workflow, allowing you more time for personal contact regarding those potential new products.

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